BESTPRAC Thematic group meeting | September 2022

BESTPRAC Thematic Group Meeting

University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering, Serbia

September 6-7, 2022

The first meeting of the BESTPRAC Thematic group, was held at the University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering, Serbia on September 6-7, 2022.

Thank you to Marija Šola Spasić from University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering and Marina Matović Kostić from the Center for the Promotion of Science for hosting our meeting!

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After three very successful virtual meetings BESTPRAC and EARMA jointly organised, the collaboration between the two networks is taking a step further and BESTPRAC is becoming a thematic group within EARMA! You can read more about the cooperation between the two networks here.

This is the first in person meeting since the end of the COST BESTPRAC project.


You can download the final programme Dateidownloadhere.

BESTPRAC meetings continue to be an open and inclusive space for sharing best practices among the RMAs, also aiming at providing guidance to the most relevant topics identified by our community. We delivered a combination of plenary sessions, panels and two parallel sessions, where one parallel session was dedicated exclusively to financial topics, while the other covered non-financial topics in grant writing and project management.


We would appreciate if participants took a couple of minutes to fill out a short evaluation survey letting us know what you thought of the meeting. Your feedback will help us evaluate what the positive sides of this meeting were and which aspects could be improved.



The presentations are available on the EARMA website, in the BESTPRAC Thematic group: (registration on the platform is mandatory, but free).


Contact details

EmailMarija Šola Spasić, University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering, Serbia (Local Organiser)

EmailJohanna Roodt, EARMA (for questions regarding the EARMA platform)